
Team information

Alexis Drevetzki LinkedIn
Master Wageningen University and Research

Dwiva Anbiya Taruna LinkedIn
Master Delft University of Technology

Reksa Kridawasesa LinkedIn
Master Wageningen University and Research

Woon Jo Cheng LinkedIn
Master Wageningen University and Research

Jee Su Yoo LinkedIn
Master Wageningen University and Research

Bonivasius Pradipta Retmana LinkedIn
Master Wageningen University & Research

Thais Mauron
Master Wageningen University

Taufik Rachmat Gumilang LinkedIn
Master Wageningen University and Research

Phuu Thit Kyaw LinkedIn
Master Wageningen University and Research

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About the team

We are an international team of master's students, bringing diverse expertise in climate studies, environmental sciences, biobased sciences, earth sciences, and water resource engineering. As a dynamic and interdisciplinary team, we aim to leverage our unique skillset to contribute to creating a sustainable future for Bangladesh Delta with innovative nature-based solutions.

Our vision for nature-positive future for Bangladesh

Our group is motivated to address water infrastructure strain through the incorporation of nature-based solutions. We understand that urban populations will increase, and so will the rate and intensity of natural hazards like flash floods, storm surges, and droughts. Therefore, it is imperative to implement measures that mitigate hazards to reduce the migration of communities. Our approach is based on a zoning scheme achieved through MOSAIC (MultifunctiOnal Sustainable Agroecology Zones for Coastal LIvelihoods). In this scheme, we envision a coastal zone of blue-carbon ecosystems, ensuring the proliferation of oyster reefs, salt marshes, and mangroves to alleviate storm surge and SLR. Behind this is a zone for nature conservation in a double dyke system. This area is a saltmarsh wetland with high-value, rare species that are crucial to biodiversity, surrounded by dykes that buffer cyclones and SLR. This zone also holds potential for ecotourism, an additional economy-booster. Next is the zone for agriculture, aquaculture, and agroforestry. Combined, this ensures long-term, climate smart livelihoods for the country’s farmers which will also establish economic security. Furthest inland is the blue-green urban zone which connects the country’s natural waterways to make freshwater accessible and incorporates green roofs, biowaste management, and central sewage.

Our choices for a specific region

We chose to focus our MOSAIC approach on the region of Khulna District in the south-central region of Bangladesh. This area is connected to the coast and thus is highly vulnerable to the impacts of sea level rise, storm surges, and cyclones. Our analysis highlighted multiple hotspots within this area, including biodiversity, agriculture, urban centers, rural communities, and nature reserves. This dynamic mix translates to a great potential for resilience and transition pathways. The strengths and weaknesses of these hotspots can be leveraged as a whole to offer the greatest potential for climate change adaptation. For example, the incorporation of ecotourism creates livelihoods centered around nature conservation, which holds people closer to the community rather than moving to urban centers. Thus, they will also need food which comes from nearby aquaculture grown sustainably by climate-smart farmers.

Our vision for Bangladesh

Our transition path

Our vision for a specific region

Social media pitch